Episode 30: Jane Crow and the Law: Sex Discrimination and Title VII by Pauli Murray and Mary Eastwood
“[They] deny a particular group equality of opportunity…””
“[They] deny a particular group equality of opportunity…””
“the range of sex discrimination that was built into the fabric of American society.”
“The only way for a woman…to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own.”
“One is not born, but rather becomes, woman.”
“policymakers always seem to find money for control and domination – for prisons, weapons, wars.”
“We call on the governments of the world to encourage women everywhere to take a more active part”
“Man must be pleased; but him to please / Is woman’s pleasure”
“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”
“Every woman should be absolute mistress of her own body.”
“Around me I saw women overworked and underpaid, doing men’s work at half men’s wages”