Episode 22: LGBTQ Activism through Bridge-Building – with activist Troy Williams

LGBTQ Activism through Bridge-Building – with activist Troy Williams

Our Guest

Troy Williams

For the past two decades, Troy Williams has been a community organizer playing pivotal roles in passing laws and protections for the LGBTQ community in Utah, including the historic Utah Compromise, a statute against LGBTQ and racially inclusive hate crimes, and a ban on LGBTQ conversation therapy. In 2010, he co-wrote the award-winning play, “The Passion of Sister Dottie S. Dixon” with the late Charles Lynn Frost, and has since worked on various movies and series centered around real-life stories and people from the Mormon faith. He became the executive director of Equality Utah in the fall of 2014 and was named one of the nation’s 50 LGBTQ Champions of Pride in 2022 by The Advocate magazine.

The Discussion

Gayle Ruzicka of the Utah Eagle Forum speaks with Troy Williams during a legislative session
Troy Williams being arrested after blocking the doors to a Senate committee room in an effort to bring attention to anti-discrimination bill SB 100
Grand Marshal Dustin Lance Black leading the annual Gay Pride Parade through Salt Lake City followed by the Mormons Building Bridges group right behind. June, 2012
data from the Public Religion Research Institute demonstrating strong support for LGBTQ non-discrimination laws in Utah. December, 2023
Troy Williams standing alongside Governor Cox as well as other lawmakers and faith leaders
Troy Williams and Equality Utah activists at the 2024 Utah Republican Convention
Troy Williams speaking against an anti-transgender bill during a legislative hearing at the Capitol in Salt Lake City. February, 2022

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