Episode 20: Defiant Dreams – with authors Sola Mahfouz & Malaina Kapoor

Defiant Dreams – with authors Sola Mahfouz & Malaina Kapoor

Our Guests

Sola Mahfouz & Malaina Kapoor

Sola Mahfouz was born in Afghanistan and immigrated to the United States in 2016 to attend college. She is currently a quantum computing researcher at Tufts University Quantum Information Group. In her free time, she is focusing on reading and studying different styles of fiction, as well as writing about the rugged homeland he’s left behind.


Malaina Kapoor is a writer from Redwood City, California. She previously served as a fellow at PEN America, where she advocated for international hu man rights, press freedom,. and election integrity. Kapoor served on the management team of a refugee resettlement organization an was the producer of In Deep, a nationally syndicated public affairs radio broadcast program. She as received national awards for her poetry, personal essays, and short stories, and will graduate from Stanford University in 2025.

The Discussion

Defiant Dreams by Sola Mahfouz & Malaina Kapoor
U.S. soldiers overseeing mass evacuations during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, circa Aug 2021
Students at the Polytechnical University of Kabul, 1975
A shoemaker at the roadside as women shop in a market in Kabul, 2015
Pakistan border police at the Torkham border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2023
Taliban fighters drive an Afghan National Army vehicle through Kandahar, 2021
Afghan women hold protest signs demanding their right to education, 2023
a man dancing on New Years, or Nowruz, in Kabul, 2012

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