Episode 7: Confronting Hot Topics – w/activist Mr. Jones X

Confronting Hot Topics – w/activist Mr. Jones X

Mr. Jones X is a well-known activist, political commentator, and courageous debater. His mastery of intersectionality and the importance of advocating from the bottom up distinguish him from the average content creator. These abilities have earned him numerous speaking engagements, invitations to panel discussions, and national attention for his debates. Jones is also an entrepreneur with TUFF (Transformative Uprising for Freedom), a socially conscious clothing company, in which his products are manufactured by a local minority women-owned business and the designs allow customers to wear their protest.

The Discussion

Washington D.C. circa 1988
a classroom of students standing to perform the Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Jones X recording content
Mr. Jones X during a contentious 2022 debate
Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull, showing the founding fathers in wigs and tights
Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic’s Critical Race Theory: An Introduction
student protestors in the 1970’s. ‘Woke’ was a common part of vocabulary at this time
a model wearing TUFF clothing

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