Episode 33: Reclaiming Eve: Female Archetypes in the Bible – with author Monette Chilson

Reclaiming Eve: Female Archetypes in the Bible – with author Monette Chilson

Our Guest

Monette Chilson

Monette Chilson founded WomanSpirit Reclamation to support women in navigating their awakening from patriarchal indoctrination through online courses and community. She’s written and spoken about the divine feminine for the past decade, authoring Sophia Rising: Awakening Your Sacred Wisdom Through Yoga, and My Name Is Lilith. Chilson also edited Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves, and developed its companion curriculum.

The Discussion

My Name is Lilith by Monette Chilson
Sophia Rising by Monette Chilson
statue of Sophia (personification of wisdom), c. 2nd century
illustration from My Name is Lilith
illustration from My Name is Lilith
illustration of a snake goddess from ancient Crete

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