Episode 37: How to be an Anti-Patriarchist – with guest Levi Murray

How to be an Anti-Patriarchist – with guest Levi Murray

Our Guest

Levi Murray

Levi Murray is a native of New Mexico and has been living in Colorado for almost 20 years. Murray works as the community health dentist, practicing in Southern Colorado. He and his wife Barbara have four kids. His hobbies include running and engaging int he work of preaching anti-patriarchal theology, a work he says feels like a necessary part of becoming more fully human.

The Discussion

Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People by Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson
an illustration of patriarchal pressures on men
an illustration of the four dog defense
an illustration of Donald Trump’s claim that he can end the Ukraine-Russia war in one day
an illustration depicting common traits of psychopathy
The Will to Change by bell hooks

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